now, after the fact

Fanatics know their own. Gabriel knew that Kesho would probably never consider him a true coyote, but this did not bother him. He had never considered himself to be this either. Corona had spoken to him at length about the subject, something he knew bothered her greatly, and the Aquila had been living a life that made him favor one half over the other. It was not as though they were able to coexist, these sides, yet he pulled from both with equal demand. Had he not been half wolf, he never would have survived the Scintilla War. Had he not been half wolf, he would have fallen the first time he faced Haku.

Kesho tried to explain himself, something Gabriel listened to quietly. He was not surprised to hear that the elder coyote had lost someone. They all had, he reasoned. If not they wouldn’t cling to a clan so desperately. “Inferni has suffered.” This had made this clear at the meeting. A great fire and two wars had not destroyed them, but they had suffered. “We all have. I lost a brother and a sister when we were just children. A beast tried to destroy the family I still have this past summer. I know how hard it must be to see the face of the enemy leading this clan, but I have no intention of standing by and letting anyone threaten it.” Not even my own family. There was no room for mercy within him.

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