The bag of holding

Table by Gen

Anann was no artist but she knew what it was like to craft something with her own hands. She had experienced what it was like to feel attachment to something she had made. Her tanning and leather crafting had started as something she had done only for herself. It had taken time for her to easily part with something that had so much time and effort put into it. But artwork was surely harder to part with. At least in Anann's mind it must be. A painting seemed so much more personal than a simple bag. The canvass that surrounded her seemed filled with emotion and life. Where else could that come from but the artist herself. "I'd think letting go of any of them can't be easy." Though if she didn't it was easy to see that Mati could easily run out of room.

Anann smiled as Mati confirmed her thoughts. The bronzed woman's expression making it clear there was no need for her to worry about Mati taking offense to the question. The look that frequented the other's face when Cambria came into conversation was not unlike the one worn by Haven when he spoke of his Princess. It was what had eventually lead to her putting the pieces together. "I...don't know." Anann spoke with a forced laugh and uncertain smile. Trying to hide the bruised feelings that bubbled to the surface when Anatoliy came to mind as of late. She had no real answer for Mati and that in itself seemed rather pathetic.

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