now, after the fact

I figured their conversation was sort of coming to an end, lemme know if you don't wanna take this in a new direction and I can just edit out that part lol. Thought it might be fun though.. Tongue WC: 520

Kesho Maisha

Kesho took in the Aquila's words in silence, absorbing each one with a thirst for his somehow calming words. The brindled coyote was able to direct much more respect towards the hulking male now, having spoken to him in earnest and honesty. Of course it would always nag at him, his unpure blood. But Kesho would push past it; or at least, he would do his best. He knew that his other side strongly ached for freedom, and the ability to destroy every wolf and hybrid beast that he desired, but Kesho kept him back, for the sake of his extreme desire for loyalty and acceptance within this place he called home now, again. The older male nodded solemnly at Gabriel's words, for they could not be truer, given the circumstances. It was comforting to know that despite his appearance, Gabriel's loyalties lie with the coyotes, and did not appear to have the capacity to waver in any way. Still, he would need to be alert; being too quick to trust had caused Kesho to falter in the past.

"I'm sorry for your losses.", a sincerely empathetic expression passed over his face. "Your words encourage me, though, Gabriel. I trust you have the abilities of a great leader." The golden-grey coyote held a friendly, tentatively trusting visage, to be challenged as he saw fit. For now, Gabriel would be observed.

He fell silent, fiery eyes lingering on Gabriel's large frame for a moment before diverting his attention to the landscape. The male was very large, that was certain, and his size, Kesho was sure, made any physical altercations that much more swiftly executed. It was, he reasoned, perhaps a gift to the clan to have a leader with such a physique. But his blood burns with taint! He is not of our kind; you're simply a fool to trust him. You'll see. The snarling other half of him seethed with rage in a constant attempt to wear Kesho down and win possession of his body for all of his doing. The strong-willed dog, however, was not so quick to step aside. Ignoring the interruption with slight bodily discomfort, Kesho peered down the stream alongside which they were settled, ember orbs quietly dissecting what he saw.

The rusty-hued coyote lowered his head, watching without moving a muscle as a plump but somewhat small deer crossed the terrain quite a few yards ahead of them. Realizing that they were somewhat obscured from its view by a small clump of bushes and several tree trunks, Kesho took this advantage and lowered his body instinctively into a keen predator's stance. Intensely he watched as the creature bent its neck at the stream, lapping up the cold, clear water eagerly, its ears twisting around with alert vigilance; the creature's best safety asset. Fiery eyes darted towards Gabriel, catching his line of sight and nodding his head towards the animal. Attempting to remain unheard, he raised his eyebrows at the Aquila in suggestion, child-like excitement enticing him and ruthless instinct driving him. Perhaps a little fun was in order, after a hearty, sobering conversation?

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