Walking on a New Horizon

3 Points OOC: Niro doesn’t normally go in his wolf form unless hunting, but I’ll make an acception, maybe an excuse would be he felt better on three legs instead of one Tongue but yeaaahhh

Niro gave the woman a welcoming smile, she did have a bit of the pack on her fur, but she was probably still rather new. Niro was protective of his family, and his pack was just that, his family.

It is a pleasure to meet you Aura, if I’m not mistaken, you are new to the pack?

He could tell the boy was uneasy around the new wolf now and he let the boy come closer to him. He felt sorry for him, he didn’t want Kam to be uneasy, but he understood why, and knew as a pup he’d be quite shy, so he would be the pups protector for now, though he doubted he had to protect him from her, though when she asked her question he could detect a hint of anger, he shook his head.

The thing that hurt me is already dead and has become our meal a while ago. My wounds are not recent I’m afraid, and it was just a hunting accident, one I am sure I’ll recover from.

He said, hoping that would ease her own anger a little. He smiled at a thought he had.

Can’t really kill a moose that’s already dead I’m afraid.

he said, he knew that injuries with hunting always happened, especially when there was a moose involved and only five hunters doing the hunting, and one of them being too cocky to let someone take the lead on. He looked down at Kam who asked his own question and was rubbing against the crutch.

This thing helps me walk, it is called a crutch, it lets me use my under arm like it’s a leg.

He answered the pup as best he could. It was basically a third leg so he was hoping the child understood.

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