Hello there!

Grace was growing up whether Addison liked it or not. The gray and brown wolf was a little disturbed by the fact that her little sister was wandering off alone, not liking the idea of it one bit but being unable to do anything but watch her go. Grace was the type of pup who, if Addi did try to tell her what to do or keep her confined, would not react well. She was headstrong and thought she knew best, as the Loas had been when she was younger. Maybe such spirit was something that ran in the family.

She walked the borderline in her lupus form, four paws carrying her slowly along. She didn't have much to do today besides check to be sure that there wasn't anyone getting into the packlands. Addison had seen a few other wolves along the way but nothing out of the ordinary. Her blue and yellow eyes watched the plains boredly as she ambled along, sniffing at the ground every few minutes.

An odd scent made her head come up, though. It was coppery and smelled different from the usual scents of the Valley pack, making her wonder. She started toward it at a faster pace than she had been going before, nose to the breeze. She'd find whoever it was soon enough.

It didn't take long for the stranger to come into sight, and she approached with caution. The female was wary of any wolf who would show up at the borders of a pack unannounced, whether they seemed harmless or not. Halo had certainly seemed harmless at the time...and she had been the one to trap and torture Addison. Luckily, her father Jefferson had been there that time to save her. Addison approached the sleeping form warily and stood a few yards away, unsure what the creature was doing. Had it collapsed? "Hey!! You dead?" She called loudly.


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