Feeling a little more confident that this was not a hostile wolf, she replied more confidently, but still with a weariness to her voice and with her head lowered, " I come from a wandering family. My parents and siblings were killed in a recent fire. My name is Niraya, daughter of Toriek and Kirshana. They are, were, friends of a few packs, but they left their origional packs to be together. I've been alone for a few days".

The kindness that the wolf was showing towards her was making her relax and her stomach gurgled softly. She was embarrassed at the noise, but it was her stomach reminding her that she had only had a few drying bones to suck on this morning. She coughed, trying to cover the noise, but knew that the other wolf had already heard it.

"I'm sorry for intruding on your lands. I am very tired, and I noticed before I fell asleep that I was on the edge of someones lands but I couldn't move. My parents were only beginning to teach me things like hunting and scent trails when they... Left... We all had a late start and...." She trailed off, wondering if she said too much.

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