[J] Do I belong here?
OOC: Indeed ^^ It's like staring at something that just takes your breath away, then brings it back in one smooth movement. Gah I love it Big Grin

Revan took the time to analyze her a bit better, taking in every small detail about her. My how easy it was to stare at her. Knowing his luck she prolly had a mate all ready of course, it seemed as if all the good catches are taken early, but it didn't matter. She wouldn't be interested in him anyway, even if he was a Jackal like her. He hadn't thought about what any other coyote would think when they saw the tooth around his neck. Of course now that it was brought to his attention, he knew it might cause unnecessary hostility towards him if they took offense to it, but he didn't care much. He was proud of his trophy. He had earned it and if someone else had a problem with him wearing it then they can go tell that to the bloodthirsty coyote's rotting corpse way back in the United States, if it hadn't been picked clean yet by crows or sad as it was, more coyotes.

Her attitude toward him seemed to change as time went on and she even so much as began to laugh, though he had no idea why. He watched her roll on the grass, laughing until she couldn't breathe with a polite smile on his muzzle, but he couldn't for the life of him figure out just what was so funny. He waited patiently and politely until she was done laughing before perking himself up again. "Thanks for welcoming me...but...does that mean I'm in the pack? Oh and of course, nice to meet you Sepirah." What an odd name. He had never heard a name like that around here and it confused him, his head tilting to the side slightly. Nevertheless, it was easy on the ears, especially the full name. Sepirah Jendayi Lykoi...it certainly had a nice ring to it. He wondered though, just for the sake of curiosity, how Sepirah Jendayi Rejanikant would sound spoken aloud, but he didn't dare say it in front of her.

Instead, he chose to sit down in an effort to take this conversation onto a less formal and more friendly path. After all, his father never said it was rude make a friend before being accepted into the pack, but it was at that moment that he realized something. "Wait a minute...Lykoi? You're one of the Lykoi family? Wow! I've heard so much about your family from my father, who said he got the information from the coyote pack he had lived with before I was born. Tell me, Sepirah, are the rumors true? Not to mean any offense of course." He knew at this point his curiosity had gotten him into trouble. Would she take offense to his question? If she did, he most certainly might as well decide to try to join a different pack.

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