Fresh meat and curious wolf - open
Kanen peeked inside before walking into the front room. It was nice as far as Kanen knew. What trhe humans would have called a living room, though Kanen did not know that, had a large wooden table that was almost intact, with some raccoon bite marks on a couple legs. There were three chairs that were around the large table, again, still usable, but one had a leg tat was chewed off by the raccoon, and another had it's cushion torn to shreds, and another was almost as good as new. One of those box things the humans sat down and stared at for fun was still working, but with no electricity it was of no use. There was two nice, big couches that were one of the only things that still looked good. As Kanen came in more she saw another room. "Wow this is great! Thanks!" Kanen's tail wagged happily behind her as she walked into the next room. A large, tall box stood in a corner that had was grimy.

When Kanen opened it, it was covered in moldy meats and such. She was amazed how much the box kept the smell inside. When she shut it the smell became much better. There were many bowls inside a wooden storage area Kanen though were called cabinets. Then there was a lot of chemicals in one that her instincts told her to get rid of. There was a nice stone counter that Kanen did not know was called granite. Kanen walked up a set of stairs and found a really big bedroom with a large bed that was covered in various rags that made it look like the raccoon that had chewed the living room up had slept there. Kane pushed all the cloth that smelled of raccoon away and walked around the bed. It'd corners were chewed on. though the raccoon did not seem to like the taste and stopped after it chewed up the bed post a little and two corners of the mattress. The bedpost had nice openings in it to put stuff. Kanen walked into a smaller room and investigated a large chair that smelled bad. On another granite counter was a little bottle. When Kanen pressed it a horrible smell came out.

Kanen jumped back panting quickly. "What was that? It smelled horrible" Kanen walked over to a large wooden thing that had several thick blankets and some towels in it. Kanen had thick fur but was glad her house had some blankets if a snow storm came or it got really cold.

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