This love is only gonna break your heart
you calm the storms, and you give me rest... [ooc]

[bic] hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall.

Their own pack. It was such a strange concept. Naniko had been ready and willing to help Laruku run Clouded Tears...but then, she'd lived there for a year and a half. She knew that place. This place she was still unfamiliar with, there being a few miles that were still unexplored. She'd been to the lake a few times, and now it was becoming a regular spot for her to relax. Hunger growled in her stomach as she went--maybe she'd stop and hunt for something while she was out here.

The light colored female gave a yawn as she stopped walking, looking out at the waters of the lake. Finally, after a week of decision making and planning...they were a pack.


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