The Passion
And I'll go ahead and point it out but Sanuye has no top on. She's just wearing a skirt. WC: 365 {3 points}

Sanuye was pleased to see that the male accepted her offer to sit with her. She marked the book and set it aside as she watched the male emerge from the shadows. He was more handsome than she thought. His hair matched well with his fur and the feathers helped to add to the look. She thought mostly only aniwayans wore feathers in their hair but it looks like she was wrong there too. She formed a smile on her face seeing as she couldn’t do anything else. Her heart was getting the flutters so she waited until the male started the conversation before she said anything.

Sanuye just sat there and smiled as the male introduced himself as Niro Takakuro. The coyote was so nervous. She never was good at talking to guys except for Nayati who she had known since she was a pup. The hybrid gave a small nod before lowering her head a bit. ”It’s nice to meet you Niro… my name Sanuye Otsana…” The coyote watched as one of the birds flew down towards her and Niro. It was such a beautiful bird, but considering the way it was acting, she decided not the mess with it. She turned her attention back to the wolf as he began to speak again.

The male introduced both the birds as his own. Sanuye couldn’t believe that sure magnificent birds belonged to someone. She moved her head back up a bit but her silver gaze was more on the hawk on Niro’s arm. ”They’re both such beautiful birds…” Sanuye paused, wondering if there was something she could offer them. The coyote then turned her head and whistled. Niyol lifted his head and moved to the hybrid’s side. She smiled and stood, brushing her fingers along his face gently. Her silver eyes turned back to Niro as she reached into her bag. ”This is Niyol, my faithful companion.” She finally found what she was looking for and pulled out one of the fishes she brought. She held it in her hands and moved it towards the hawk on the male’s arm. ”Perhaps your companions would be interested in a meal?”

table by james.

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