I see my memories fade with time
Geneva flinched a bit, but that did not diminish her happiness at seeing Addison again. The young girl meant a lot to the gray woman. Although she had never really filled a parent role for the girl, she still felt close to her. She had watched her grow and had taken some small part in her development. She would always be fond of Addison and always care about her. She was part of one of the happiest times in her life, and those golden edged memories bound the girl close to her heart.

"I fell at the Quarry," Geneva explained. In a few syllables, she attempted to summarize the tumultuous, stormy time that had encompassed every area of her life. It was strange that she could attempt to explain it so simply. And it was strange to realize that matters were really much simpler than they had seemed during those difficult, trying times. She had been injured and had hurt Jefferson so badly, but she did not like to dwell on that. Her life was finally moving forward with satisfactory momentum.

"You have a brother, although I am certain that your father told you already," Geneva said brightly. "And I heard that you brought your sister here. I am looking forward to meeting her." Time had passed, although it was hard to believe that it had at times. Addison was a woman grown, and practically a stranger now, but Geneva wanted to move forward and reinstate the bond they used to have.

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