I see my memories fade with time

She could remember the day that Geneva and Jefferson had saved her from falling in the quarry...she wondered what Geneva would have been doing in that place, knowing the danger. She kept her mouth shut on that part, though, not wanting to upset her newly-reunited mother figure. Geneva was mates to Jefferson, and that did make her a mother in Addison's eyes. At least, somewhat of one. She respected the silver woman greatly already, and even if the bond was unspoken it was there. "I remember when you rescued me from there. I'll have to remind Grace not to play near there, ever."

She wished that they didn't have such a dangerous place inside their territory. It made her frown; she didn't want Grace to get hurt doing the same things that she had done as a pup. The girl was very adventurous already. "He did! But I haven't been able to find the little yapper yet." She said. "And yep, that's right. Grace is here with me. Dierdre was treating her like shit..I figured least I could do was bring her back here where she'd get to grow up with a real pack and be fed on a regular basis. Sorry I was gone so long. I kind of wanted to wait for Grace to grow up a bit before I came back here with her."


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