Walking on a New Horizon
-300 words
Sorry that took so long!

His question answered by his friend, he stared in confusion. A third leg? That was strange, very strange. What happenda Niro make him needa third leg? The musing was silent and concerned, but he let it pass as he turned his attention back to the new female, Aura. White fur was surprising to him, when he had only seen dark colors (except on Niro himself), and he found himself unable to look away.

She laughed softly, confirming that she was part of the pack and giving a shrug before her eyes turned to him. He looked away, shy again and hiding his face on the sand to listen as she spoke to Niro. "Well, well, well. Then I am pleased to hear that you'll heal soon." Did that mean Niro would be okay? His tail wagged slightly against the sand, which scattered beneath him.

Her own explanation added to his, telling the pup that it helped to make sure Niro didn't hurt his leg more. He glanced towards the crutch again, muzzle wrinkling up. It seemed like such a worthless thing, but he supposed it wasn't actually. If it helped, it was good. Like the Knights that Niro had told him about.

Aura's next question caught Kambujiya off guard. How long have you two been in the pack? He sat up slightly, looking around. "King Vigi finded me." It was all he could really say, since time had no real place in the mind of the youngling.

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