black as holes within a memory

There were already the early signs of general exhaustion in the young male’s features. The weight would continue to push him down until he could no longer deal with things the way he currently did. Perhaps he remained an idealist. There was no perfect way to happiness and he could not do a flawless job here. There had been little left of the wolf pack when Conor had taken the leading role, and while he had found it hard to deal with then, the pack’s continuous growth would prove to give birth to more responsibility. He probably believed that he could please everyone if he only worked hard enough, but this was a lesson he would learn during these coming months. Conor Soul could be considered mature for his young age, but that was not always enough.

Gabriel de le Poer said that Haku Soul was dead. The dark flame within the boy was lit that moment. There was a pressure building from the depths of his chest. The Dahlian’s lilac eyes readjusted to focus in on the hard amber gaze of the long-time clan leader. He believed that these were raw fact laid out before him. The young face became a mask, for it remained unmoving as everything inside pulsed and changed. These, were amazing news. He sought for sadness within the bouquet of emotions within and was happy to realize that there was none. There was no need guessing how Gabriel knew and how it had happened. ”Thank you,” was what he responded with.

Gabriel had rid the lands of a monster, and the young wolf would be able to rest easy now knowing that the devil dressed in a wolf’s hide was no longer stalking in the shadows. Conor suspected this was not the only reason why Gabriel was here. ”What is that?” he inquired, pushing the mad relief aside for now as long as he was in the presence of the veteran. Muzzle pointed to the pouch on the ground between them. Peace offerings were not necessary at this point, and he doubted Gabriel was that kind of creature.

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