black as holes within a memory

Ears turned back towards his cinnamon skull as he was granted an answer. Conor would never have asked for any sort of proof. While the two males were as different as their blood and coloration, he knew that he could trust Gabriel in this matter. Despite their lack of love for each other, they had shared this common goal. Conor’s need for revenge had not been burning brightly as Gabriel’s, but he too had wished for Haku Soul’s death. Tomorrow it would feel like a new era rising with the first rays of a blushing sun and Haku Soul would not be there to see it. It was fortunate for Conor that he misinterpreted his emotions as joy and burning relief. Gabriel had seen the rise and fall of demons and madmen alike, but the young wolf was unable to recognize such traits.

The young alpha nodded at the Aquila's words, then rose and moved to retrieve the item. The thing inside was hard and round against his jaws, and for now the young male would remain oblivious of its identity. Conor had never seen the blue stone necklace that his father had worn the day that his own dagger had pierced through his heart. Conor did not know how everything had begun. He would have been reluctant to accept this piece of proof had he known, but ignorance was bliss for now and when time was ripe he would suffer for his lack of knowledge of his father’s demons. There was really no need for more words to be exchanged, and the alpha turned to exit the scene, allowing his form to remain relaxed with a lightly waving tail to further establish the scene as grateful from his side.

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