Hold Me Down

Do you mind if we backdate this to early November? Gabriel is still in CD on this date in my timeline, haha.

Though he slept often, Gabriel rarely slept for long periods of time. It was a trait that belonged more to his wolfish blood than he would have liked to admit, but he likened it as a need to be vigilante. He had been sleeping for about twenty minutes when a commotion nearby woke him. Though he intended to dismiss the noise, it was persistent. The coy-wolf opened his eyes and pushed himself up with a low growl, unhappy with the matter but recognizing his duty to see to it.

The investigation did not take long. A few yards down from his current position was a peculiar looking boy with two tails. He recognized him from the meeting, and identified him as one of Cotl’s kin. How it was that that family managed to breed he would never know. Gabriel made his way towards the boy easily, his feet used to the uneven rise and fall of the terrain around the caves. “Are you looking for something?” He called out as he neared.

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