[J] Lost But Not Found [J]

She was not her usual, gruff self with newcomers; the normally sarcastic girl kept a smiling, happy face on, ready to please. She didn't want to scare any potential members off with their pack being as small as it was at the moment; she'd be nice. Addison wasn't normally mean to new wolves, or to any wolves really...she was just practicing a bit of impression management when it came to wolves that she met on the border.

Addi approached but was careful to keep enough distance between her and the other. She didn't want to get too close in case the other wolf wasn't friendly. She had to wary just in case; one could never know.

"I'm Addison." She said in reply, noting the female's friendly disposition. She didn't sense hostility and relaxed a little. "I don't see a problem with just passing through--you can come with me, if you'd like. I know a few shortcuts that could get you through faster. You don't come from a pack, you say?" She asked, motioning for the other to walk beside her beyond the border area and into the Valley territory.


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