[J] Lost But Not Found [J]
Sorry, the boardwide word-filter game that we're playing has changed your "W inter" into "S ummer" XD

She paid attention to where the stranger was at all times. Addison had been tricked by creatures before, and would be as careful as she could. She supposed that the best option would have been to turn the wolf away and ask her to go around...but then she would have stayed and watched to be sure that Tala had done so, spending even more time doing so. This was close to the same thing, anyway...it was just that she was giving the new wolf an escort instead of following her.

"It's good to meet you too. It's admirable that you were able to keep yourself alive for this long on your own, you know?" She said, continuing the conversation as they walked. "I came here to Phoenix Valle y as a pup and was adopted...left...but came back again. Something drew me back in, I guess. I never thought I was one for pack life, really...but it's a great place to live. Where are you wandering to, if it's not too much to ask?"


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