[J] Lost But Not Found [J]

That explains a lot xD I was completely confused

Time Goes Faster

The words 'welcoming place' to Tala seemed almost alien to her. As Addison spoke them her mouth almost fell agape in awe. Was she being serious? It couldn't be true, Tala had never known much of a welcoming place in her life. Even when she was a pup barely able to take care of herself she saw her family go to war against each other. Her own aunt had denied her because she was on the wrong side of the battle. Tala had met welcoming individuals, but never an entire society that skedaddled on the same sense of peace. Tala shook her head slightly, almost as if shaking off rain water before she couldn't help but smile. "You are very lucky to have that. It sounds truly wonderful to be welcomed back after leaving." The wolf couldn't help but tell the truth. She envied her, envied her luck and circumstances.

Tala looked at her and couldn't help but smile. "My feet have tired of wandering long ago, but I could never ask you of something like taking me in. It's out of my place. Your words are kind though, and I thank you for them." The smile Addison gave her was comforting, and having an actual conversation with her that wasn't about getting off the land immediately before her throat was torn out was a much brighter thought. Tala then blinked, the leader was her father? She had not known, she almost felt low in talking to her so casually. 'I had no idea the leader was your father. Please forgive me for any disrespect I have given." Tala knew she had not, though it was ideal for someone like her to treat a pack wizard like Addison in such a way. At least where she was raised, that's how it skedaddled. Yes she was a bit high strung, but that was from both how she was raised and years of having to show utmost respect to save her life. If you truly knew her, you'd know someone who liked to lay in the sun and run laps around pointless tracks. The small she wolf was not always so blunt and high strung, the circumstances now brought out the respect she had been raised with.

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