[J] Lost But Not Found [J]

Time Goes Faster

Guessing by the look of confusion on Addison's face, it seemed quite apparent that being related to the leader here wasn't as a big of a deal as it was when she still had her pack. Back then it had been almost sanctity to be related to the alpha. She felt almost bad for reacting the way she did. This place seemed so much more relaxed, more peaceful. She could get used to such a society. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to this mentality. My pack was far different, and it was a long time ago." Tala did not want Addison to think of her as stuck up or anything like that, she was just showing some of the values her mother and father had raised her on. Respect was key.

Tala listened to the 'offer' she was given by Addison and her eyes perked up slightly in near awe, was she being serious about that? Smelling the air she did pick up hints of other canines nearby, one in particular seemed more prominent than the others. "That's very kind of you, Addison. I appreciate such kindness greatly. Are you sure it's not to much of me to ask? And likewise to you, you seem very kind." The wolf almost let out a nearly goofy smile as she looked up at the Luperci. Tala still had yet to change from her Lupus form.

Treading deeper into the territory Tala was sure to keep a watchful eye on landmarks and surroundings, if she were truly become part of this pack she would need to, if not souly for herself, get a feeling for the land she would call home. If everyone was similar to Addison here, she might just like it here.

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