Baby, it's like voodoo.

ooc: 3 points.

Of all the dang wolves to have happened in on the scene, it had to be her. Inwardly, Bangle kept thinking of some excuse as to why he was here. At the same time wondering why on earth Skye would have decided to go exploring and happened upon an unmarked place like this, and find him here at the same time. His eyebrow raised as to these questions he had buzzing in his head, that he nearly didn't hear the white wolf's words.

"Oh, yeah. It's uh, nice." 'You git,' he said to himself. The male had to shake his head, literally, once or twice, to snap himself out of this odd trance he was in. He turned his orange eyes away from the female, and looked to the clear pool. If only his mind was that clear, right now. "So what are you doing here?" One eye snapped back onto her, though he tried to avert most of his gaze. He felt his face flush, but luckily he was mostly the same shade of red all over. Bangle pondered her question, as if trying to decide what he should say to her, but he realized he just couldn't lie this time. Not to her. He let out a very audible sigh, and tried to play it off in his usual way.

He made a 360 degree turn, practically, now facing his work mat. He sat back down and nearly huddled over his little project, not wanting to let her see it. Not just yet. "Welllll," he began, drawing out the word. "If ya mus' know, I am craftin'," he said this as he cocked his head to look back at where she was standing. "But I can't let yeh see it yet," the male winked. He felt he was back in business with his old self, his arms wrapped protectively over the object in question. "'S almost done, though, if you can busy yerself with som'n else?" He kept his eyes on her, not wanting to have to turn around and her taking a sneak peek at the project. Then, for good measure to be sure he wasn't acting too strange, or too suspicious already, he chuckled as he said, "I know how awful it mus' be t'not be around me, I understan'." Oh Bangle, you are sure to get smacked for that.

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