I see my memories fade with time
Geneva shook her head mutely. She did not have a working sense of smell. That meant that she had to work with the other tools available to her. Luckily, she had excellent eyesight. Her lime green colored gaze was fixed upon a not so distant figure. It moved strangely. The grey lady crept carefully toward it. Soon enough, the shape revealed itself to her in the distance. It was a fowl with bright, button like eyes and a red fringe. Geneva shuddered mildly; it was definitely a grotesque creature.

She knew that Addison would not be far behind her. Taking in a big breath of air, the Whilom collected herself. Then with an explosion of energy that she had not felt in a long time, she took off after it. Sustaining the element of surprise might have been the better plan of attack, but Geneva was still a novice hunter. She knew enough to get by and was a good strategist, but at this moment she just wanted to give chase. Geneva was a predator in her element at that moment, and she had a partner she knew she could trust. Between the two of them, they would taste blood soon enough.

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