Taking a look
OOC: Im a little confused on where to post my profile i think i posted it in the wrong spot!o.e mind giving me a link or somthing cuz im just confuzed today X_x Sorry if im anoying u or anything..


Sombra was a little shocked he had actually gotten a response.Seeing as the female was in her optime form he also changed.His white hair was a lot longer than he recalled when he changed.He used his hand to whipe away strands of hair so that he could see.He also noticed he had gotten even thiner because the rags or 'clothing' he wore where quite lose on him.

"Sorry about that.."He mumbled softly."I ugh...Sharing would be nice." He said softly skipping to the point.He barely talked anymore so talking agen was a bit hard for him.Then he remebered the most important rule."Oh im Sombra." He said with a soft smile."Im kinda new here." he said, his amber eyes glancing around him.

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