He can fly without wings.

Gideon could remember what it was like to grow up in Dahlia; it hadn't been that long ago for him. He didn't know if Range understood how close they were in age. Gideon was closer to being a sibling than a father to Range and Melee, with only a few months separating the two of them. He had wanted to care for them, though, and with Bris and Conor's supervision he thought that he had done a fair job of it.

He came to the well and set the damp and muddy pup down on the ground. He'd have to scrub at Range's fur with one hand and pour with the other one. "I'm glad that everyone here is nice. When I was little there were a few mean ones...but a few real good ones, too. Like Nayru." Every time he spoke her name his eyes lit up a little. A smile came to his muzzle this time as he cranked the bucket down and then back up again, filling it with water.

"I'm not sure how warm this is...it's probably pretty cold. But then we can get you inside as soon as we're done, OK?" He asked, pulling the bucket up and putting it on the ground next to the pup. "It's the only way I can think of to get this mud off of you. You don't want to go in the house with a muddy coat, do you?" He picked up the bucket, beginning to pour.

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