Moon Bathed Path
Selene D'Angelo

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  1. I believe in nothing (November 27, 2010)

    Trip is made back to the Souls are and Sele sets out exploring. She returns to find a group of people having gathered. With the pledging of allegiances Anathema is formed and the land is claimed.

  2. no prayer i could say (December 3, 2010)

    Selene runs across Harlowe and sits down to have a talk with him. They discuss family and the past. Demi stops by for a short bit and informs Selene that they need to speak later. Scorpius also happens over and seems quite taken with his older brother.

  3. The fire in my heart is out (December 7, 2010)

    Selene finds Naniko sitting in the caved and joins her to talk to her. They discuss a number of things, traps for the dead ends in the caves, Selene's missing son, as well as the other children. Sele's suggestion of digging holes is liked and and is talked about being implemented. They discuss where to put the traps and how to let the others in the family to know about them as well.

  4. Time To Talk (December 20, 2010)

    After Demi's request that they have a private conversation they find the time to talk. They just have a generalized conversation. Demi, asking about news on Ouija and Selene having none. Demi then asks about any male interests that Selene might have and there is nothing to report there either. They just continue talking about odd things and just snuggle for awhile until Selene has to go check on Juju since she had left him napping.

  5. Akita (December 21, 2010)

    Selene meets Akita at the entrance of the caves when she is planning on taking Juju out to play. She sits and talks with Akita who wishes to join. She send Juju to find a d leader and he brings back Azalea. Sele tells Zale about what Akita told her and the Nani happens along to accept and complete the blood ceremony. Sele then leaves, after Zale returns to the caves, to take Juju out into the forest to play.

  6. A simple 'Key' (December 22, 2010)

    Selene finds Alaki at the entrance of the caves on her way back in with Juju dragging a rabbit to show off to Scorpius. She greets the newcomers and talks to him. She find out his wish to join and sends Juju to get a leader. Nani comes and completes the acceptance process.

  7. Grandpa tell me about the good old days (December 30, 2010)

    Selene meets Pontiac at the borders and finds out that they are sisters. She has Juju get Naniko and the three girls catch up a bit. Sele finds out that not much is known about their father and he hasn't been seen around. They end up retreating to the caves to continue talking and catching up.

  8. Coast to Coast (January 2, 2011)

    Selene was on her way to Halifax and found a pup near the borders of Dahlia de Mai. She ended up having a conversation with Magnolia, inviting the pup to visit Anathema in order to play with Juju and the other pups there. While at the borders of DdM Juju plays with Maggie a bit before the girl ends up having to return home to her mother.

  9. Who Are You? (January 4, 2011)

    Selene finds Jazper close to the borders of Anathema. Jazper came looking for Nani, or such she found out after an unfortunate incident. She found him hurt and had moved to lick his bandaged wounds and was fussed at for it. She broke down on the spot. It took a few words to get that it was a misunderstanding. They ended up talking and got on friendlier terms.

  10. It Slips Through Your Fingers (January 12, 2011)

    Selene heads to Musquodoboit Valley of the Dampwoods territory. This is a place that she goes to cut herself because it contains sharp stones to cut with as well as having a stream to clean up in. She is in the middle of cutting herself when she is approached by Saluce. They talk for awhile, Sele explaining the wounds were accidents. Eventually they part ways and Sele returned to Anathema.

  11. We Are One (January 12, 2011)

    Sele is sitting outside the borders of Anathema, in Dampwoods, and working on her low speech skills. She sits talking to a mink and working on some sort of communication between them. Getting an agreement to continue to meet for more conversations and lessons it became interrupted by the appearance of a dark male. She was uncertain if his words should be taken as a threat or not. Safe to say the meeting was cut short and Sele makes her way back to Anathema before anything can really happen.

  12. Frozen Inside And Out (January 19,2011)

    Selene is hanging out in a cave in the Serene Sands area when Xion comes in. Xion picks up the broken mirror that Sele had been looking at herself in earlier. They sit and talk and get acquainted a bit as well as talking about the things in the cave and where to find more. Eventually they part ways.

  13. all my dreams just too high (January 28, 2011)

    Selene finds Lucifer in the kitchen area and mistakes him for Roman just as she had done before. She tells him about the family living in Anathema and asks him about where he has been. They sit and talk for a lil bit.

  14. New days spent with New people (January 29, 2011)

    Selene finds Rendall peering into the cave system when she is on her way out. They sit and talk and she finds out that Rendall is from Phoenix Valley and was told to learn about the other packs. So they sit and talk for awhile, getting to know about each other and the other packs.

  15. I don't want to change the world (February 5, 2011)

    A meeting is called and Sele attends with Juju. She snuggles up to Nani when she arrives, more members coming after. The meeting is used to inform of a coming storm and a trespasser that was taken care of.

  16. Avalanche Rescue Thread! (February 6, 2011)

    Sele goes out after the meeting is over and ends up getting caught in the avalanche. Juju goes looking for her and can't find her after she hadn't returned the night before. He alerts everyone to her being missing. Pontiac, Liev, and Alaki end up searching for her and finding her. They bring her back into the caves after rescuing her.

  17. the darkness comes (March 20, 2011)

    Selene finds Tlantli and Citlali at the borders of Anathema. After slight discussion she finds out their skills and calls for her sister. She wanders away while allowing Nani to take care of the rest of the acceptance process.

  18. We're young and in love (March 27, 2011)

    Once again Selene was out and above ground. She heard the song of two loners and went to investigate. She finds out that they are called Panda and Venom and already have their own spiritual beliefs and practices. That ask questions about Anathema that she stays silent for her sister to answer.

  19. none


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