The bag of holding

Thoughts of the Russian male had always brought with them a stirring of feelings. It had taken time for the to grow into something that Anann was able to understand. In his absense those thoughts had lost the warmth they had once brought her. Instead making her realize just how alone she felt. A loneliness she had never known before. She would not even admit to herself how much she missed him. Instead, she combated the feeling by busying both body and mind. When she could.

Anann's mind had come up with endless answers as to why he had left and what kept him from coming back. She at least wanted an explanation, even if it wasn't what she hoped to hear. She looked at the bronze dreamer at her soft touch. Her words reinforcing Anann's hope that the wait would be worth it in the end. If there was any truth at all in the feeling that he stirred in her chest, he was worth waiting for.

"I keep trying to tell myself that's all it is," a small smile spreading, though still lacking confidence. Things had moved slowly between the two of them. As they both seemed to struggle to understand their own emotions. There was no doubt though that she would continue to wait. She would not seek another to fill the void his absense had created. His presence could not be so easily replaced. She did not like the idea, but she knew her life would go on, even without him if that was the way it was to be.

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