now, after the fact

I am sorry about the delay. :[ Thanks for poking me!

All coyotes, even those who were not pure-blooded, would be able to outpace the Inferni leader. He was simply too large to move as quickly as they did, though he still managed to move surprisingly fast for his size. Kesho quickly outpaced Gabriel, who hung back and mirrored the movements of his older companion. His body sunk low to the earth, muscles taunt and ready to release.

The deer was startled by the sudden attack. Blood filled the air and Gabriel thought that the coyote might have managed to slit the vital line. When she turned to run, he saw he was mistaken. Without a sound the coy-wolf rushed towards the fleeing deer. He had not managed to put himself directly opposite of the other male, and this was where the chase began. Four paws struck against the earth in trained rhythm, instinct and practice fusing as he cut the doe off at every turn.

She faltered and slipped over the fallen leaves. That second was enough. Gabriel leapt for her throat and clenched his teeth down. Like a wolf, his jaws closed and held taunt, dragging the deer down as he thrashed and sought to get his paws back on the earth.

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