Continue on from past footsteps

OOC: Its fine. Do i need to keep a word count like you are?

Tala's smell was the same as everyone else's in this pack. Except for one distinct smell that he couldn't trace. Kyaime wasn't very good with smells of other wolves. The smell of his prey is easy to detect while hunting though. As he stopped hearing Tala talk to him, he looked up to see her.

Kyaime looked at her, she had amber eyes, it wasn't the first wolf he had seen with that eye color, but it was a very good feature to her. He didn't feel as though he needed to be different or submissive, but still he showed respect, he was probably the newest member to this pack, unless someone had joined in the time he slept, which wasn't very likely.

He spoke to her saying, "Yes I am new, nice to meet you Tala, I am Kyaime." He was glad she talked first. Trying to talk to someone at first is always the hardest for him. Trying to keep a conversation isn't as hard as starting one in his eyes. "How long have you been in this pack?"

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