Continue on from past footsteps

ooc: You don't have to. =] 3+

Time Goes Faster

Tala looked at him, she was the type to try and figure out as much about someone as she possibly could, though she wouldn't stalk people or anything, she just liked to ask questions and map things out in her head. She just liked to know. He didn't smell as strongly of Phoenix Valley, and his confirmation of being new was pretty much all she needed to know that he was basically in the same situation as herself. New, and probably not knowing to many of the members.

"It's nice to meet you, and I've only been here for about a week now. I've met a handful of members, but every face seems to be new these days." The fae smiled as she sat down on her rump, her docked tail tucked as much as it could under her. He didn't appear as if he was going to show and aggression towards her. She kept her body slightly tensed, though seeing as he was just as, if not newer than she was, she wasn't as worried about disrespecting him as those she had met previously. Though that didn't mean she was going to lose that train of thought entirely and be rude. That just wouldn't do.

Tala was quiet as she watched Kyaime, the unique pattern on his back, she would never forget who it belonged to. Looking like that, it was hard to forget a face. Not like she normally forgot, her memory was sharp, but someone like him made it easy. "Phoenix Valley has been a wonderful place to call home so far." She didn't really expect him to answer her comment, it was mostly an observation to herself.

The ground was cold, and Tala was expecting it to snow any day now. Just sitting on the ground now, her thick coat pressed against the ground had her feeling almost chilled. The ground was slightly frosted. How she loved Canadian winters.

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