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ooc: wc 336 3+

Time Goes Faster

Tala could tell by the way this wolf was holding himself that he didn't seem to be much of a talker. It's not like that was a bad thing though, sometimes the silence was heavenly. Tala had seen a lifetime of silence, so speaking to pack members was a glorious change now. She would surely calm down quite a bit after she had met most of the members and settled down, leaving herself to mentally map out what she was now calling her home. It was nice though, to not have anyone make fun of her tail, she greatly assumed it was because of the mentality of the pack, and the very fact that their leader had so many changed attributed to him as well. The thought made the female smile softly to herself. This place was wonderful.

Tala then blinked at his question, she hadn't fully thought about answering that before. "Well,I was recently brought up to the Tenen rank, I'm training to be a scout." You had to earn a title, and prove your skills for whichever position you deserved, and she had done just that by showing the eagerness to learn of her pack, what surrounded it and what was within it to those she had met. Things weren't just handed around like unwanted bones. Though she had not been on a pack hunt, she had hunted with Geneva. That had been fantastic. Tala then smiled "I'm sure if you just prove to the pack that you are good at what you're best at, they'll see for themselves and maybe you will get that position. It's all anyone can do. So just try to get your name out there." Was it a set of inspiring words, no, it was just what she assumed was the way of this place.

As Tala finished speaking, she was trying to figure out something else to bring up, so that Kyaime didn't feel awkward enough to do it himself. It was all petty things that came to mind, mindless topics you'd heard a million times. Tala blinked, her social skills needed a bit of work.

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