went and put me in the ground.

Could wrap up after this? ;o Or your post!

The silvery hybrid knew her family would drift as they please -- they always did, and they always came back. Thus far very few of them had been lost forever, and the scarred old woman knew some might return only after she was dead and in the ground. She listened with interest as her granddaughter described the foreign pack, having no idea who this Shawchert was. She assumed this was the leader; after all, if he wasn't, he had no business setting rules. The silvery coyote did not know much about art -- she had no creative talent at all; her only talent was the ability to carve her mark into flesh itself, and even that had dried up with old age.

What the jackal hybrid proposed next, however, sparked the one-eyed woman's interest, and she looked toward Sepirah with curiosity on her scarred face. “I think that would be a good idea. If they're already friendly toward coyotes, it'd do us well to be nice to them. Some of the other packs aren't fond of us, you know that,” the hybrid said, smiling her yellow-toothed smile. “Not as bad as it used to be, though,” she added. There had been a time when she thought all of the packs hated Inferni -- they had their reasons, back then. Now the coyotes tried to keep to themselves, stirring little trouble outside their own borders. Maybe their harsh trespassing policy got them in trouble sometimes, but Kaena would not have had it any other way.

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