He can fly without wings.

OOC goes here! WC:166

Test test test.

"Yous talk about Nayru a lot." Range said with a wolfly smile. Being so young, he had new obsessions just about every day. Some of them normal.. And others..- Er. Unique. He listened to the old bucket being pulled back up, now full of water. "'Course not! You'd be angry!" His seemingly lifeless body reacted quickly to the cold water, his furry legs pushing to get away from the icy feeling. He whined and yelped like he was being faced with bloody murder, obviously exaggerating the stinging feeling.

It was cold though, and he found the flailing necessary. Goosebumps began to arise in the airspace between his fur to retain heat. His teeth chattered, reacting to the shaking and shivering of his body. It was a quiet clicking sound, but it was loud enough for any average, and very close wolf to pick up. As the water rolled of the pup it splashed onto any thing nearby, some of Range's clay coating going with it.

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