you think you're in control

She listened, then nodded. Quite frankly, she wasn't interesting in being attacked and mauled to death. Nope, not really at the top of her list of things to do once she'd gotten here, that was for sure. Thanks for the heads-up, she replied, Are there lots of new claimed lands I should know about? she asked, wondering if this was some kind of newly-discovered territory she was walking into. For all she knew everybody had lived here since birth. Of course, she wouldn't be so stupid as to believe everything she told herself, so she pushed that theory aside.

As she made herself more comfortable, twisting and turning so her legs were out in front of her and her arms kept her propped up, she wondered why this guy seemed like such a badass. Or rather, why he acted like one at all. Being a badass was all good in theory, but one certainly couldn't have a whole lot of fun that way. It was all stern looks and angry bites all the time—not exactly something that Taxi considered to be "fun" in any sense of the word.


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