Questioned footsteps

So sorry for the wait, finals are a bitch.

Magnolia’s father towered above the pup, realizing she would probably grow to be that big one day. Her neck craned to see her beloved mirror image. Niro hadn’t spent much time with Magnolia, but she was more than attached to him than she realized. At Niro’s comment about coming to visit, the little Monroe yipped playfully, wagging her tail in delight. “I’m glad I found you then. You need to visit more,” she said, not realizing the implications of what she was saying. Magnolia had no idea what type of life her father led or what he really was about. And none of that really mattered to the silvery girl, except that he was here and happy to be with her.

“I don’t know where Foxglove and Poppy are, I always find more fun playing without them,” she said stifling a giggle. At such a young age Magnolia knew she was the most adventurous and outgoing. Like when she went to find frogs with Saul. Maggie looked up at her father again, realizing she had to answer his question. “I’m good. Happy you’re here!” the girl let out another giggle, looking up at her beloved father with a loopy, puppy grin. “Who’s that on your shoulder?” She said, motioning to the bird. She wasn’t afraid of him, just curious.

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Table by fae! <3

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