take a journey

ooc;; <33

Green eyes grew just slightly apprehensive as the black and tan female turned the horse around so that he faced the left hand side of the creature. Butterflies hit his stomach and he hadnt actually considered how high the horse was until it was actually time for him to pull himself up onto the horse. Cinnamon back ears perked foward as Lilian told him a bit about how horses couldnt see directly in front of them and Saul smiled softly at the horse. Hand came up to cup her cheek softly before Liliana demostrated how to grasp the mares mane and pull oneself upward onto her back. Saul didnt exactly know if he was comfortable pulling on her mane but he figured once he got up there he wouldnt mind too much. Liliana told him that it was hit turn and he took a deep breath.

"I hope you don't mind Miss Horsey, but I'm going to get on you now..."

He murmered, almost too low for Liliana to hear. He wasnt sure if the black and tan female had heard him, but he was ready now. Lifting his leg up and slipping his foot into the stirrup was a tricky manouver but he managed. He almost lost his balance and to compensate he grasped her mane like he was instructed to do. He tried to used his bent leg as leverage but almost as soon as he tried to get up he lost his balance. Saul fell backward and hit the floor with an 'oof'. Embarrassed he got up and brushed himself off a few times before he tried again. This one was much more successful and he managed to pull himself up. Vertigo hit him and he gasped as his stomach flipped.

"Its so high..."

He breathed, glancing down at Liliana with a nervous look. Now that he was up here, he had no idea what to do. Hands dug into the horses's mane and he gripped tightly, although not too tight as to make it uncomfortable for the horse. Green eyes looked to the black and tan female for guidance once more.

word count;; 355


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