Tell the Truth

OOC: I think we can wrap this up, Niro’s all done complaining hehe unless there’s more if not you can reply and close or just close whichever <3

Niro nodded, the kings words were as wise as he knew they’d be, they gave him a little peace in his mind and heart, all he had to do was try and be there for his girls, the thought was still so new to him, but he’d have to make himself get use to it.

Thank you Vigilante, I appreciate it, I’m sorry I came so late I will let you get back to sleep, I think it’s about time for me to head home too.

He said, standing, and giving his king a little bow, he knew he was extending a stay that he had pushed upon the king and felt that it was about time to go home, and let his thoughts settle down with what the king had to say, he was even more thankful that he had Vigilante as one, he’d seen the way Jaq acted and he doubted he would have been as much help as the man before him was now.

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