Sneaking Out


Because Oak had already taken his first steps outside of Crimson Dreams, he was nowhere near as hesitant to leave this time. His encounter with Shawchert had given him the confidence he needed to race from the Manor, then the borders, into the unknown lands beyond his home. As before, he had no clue where he was going or why, but he fully expected to find out in no time. The winter sun was surprisingly warm on his back, and it had melted the top layer of previously icy snow into slush that stung his paws with cold. Of course, in the effort of warming him, his chilly paws only carried him faster, each step merely tapping the ground briefly. He went a different route than last time, heading north into the forested lands of ethereal eclipse. The forest was deserted; not one bird chirped from the tall, snow dusted trees. Within the forest, Oak felt an eerie energy that caused him to spend only enough time there to get him through as he hurriedly moved toward whatever lie ahead, which he was sure would be better than the lifeless woods.

As he had hoped, the trees thinned and parted into a low lying meadow. Here, most of the snow had melted, revealing yellowing grass and, to his surprise, wildflowers. Oak paused at the mouth of the forest, gazing into the meadow with wide eyes. He had not seen flowers since the first frost, and he was very puzzled by their presence here. But his confusion was a happy one. Maybe he had found the magic that he was looking for in these persistent little flowers. His mother believed that the biggest wonders were to be found nature, and here was the perfect example.

Something else caught his attention while he was spectating the meadow. It stood out amid the green and blue, a little speck of red-brown. For a moment, he imagined that he was seeing himself there, for the colour of the creature's fur was so similar to his. He giggled at his silliness, then headed down the rise into the meadow, wishing to meet this mirror image of himself. As he drew close, he slowed down, scrutinizing what he now knew was a small female pup. It was then that he saw her eyes. Not only was her fur similar to his, her eyes also shared the same cobalt hue of the eyes his mother had given him. He was shocked and pleased, closing the final few feet that separated them with a wide smile on his face.

You know, he started, grinning impishly, You're the most beautifullest girl I ever saw. With that, he sat down, still gazing at her admiringly.

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