The sea knows my name
Noah Sawtooth hated the white snow, who ever though snow should be white and not grey or black needed to have their ear bitten. Not only did it play hell on his good eye, it was cold, and the cold weather made his shoulder could bring him close to tears. The male had never once given the brutes that had done this to him the happiness to seen him in tears. He had no issue lowering his head while they were beating on him, but tears were another thing.
The male moved slowly down to the beach, he couldn’t help to wonder as he saw the paw prints of other wolves, the good blue eye looked down at the sands as he sighed, thought drifted to his mother. He wonder if she was happy, if she was ever to find his sister, he wondered about his brother if he was able to escape from the prison that the other pack had placed him in. The silver male sighed, as he gave his tail a flick as he moved on down the beach as he started to feel sorry for his family and how he failed to protect them from Balraj and from his father. The silver brute stopped picking up the scent of another being. It was a pack member, but not one that he had met. The male moved slowly as he watched the lady, she just stood there looking out to the water. She seemed to enjoying her-self and just lost with in a sea of her own thoughts. Moving to her side the male looked at her with his one good blue eye, the same sapphire blue of his father and mother. His other eye his eyes, on his left side away her from her site.

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