The sea knows my name
ooc: I'm on a different computer and just don't feel like going to get 'em. Between the two of them it's like etiquette school up in hur. xD

The silence of the male between the sounds of the surroundings was almost quaint. It was nice, it made him seem like someone she had not met yet. It was a wonderful difference. Sometimes silence spoke better than words. It was however the body language of the wolf that had her utterly confused. She blinked a few times after he dipped his head, letting his body fall into a full out bow. The fae let her mouth hang open in almost awkwardness. "No... please don't do that..." She did not feel like it was appropriate. Even if he was a lower rank than she was, she did not want anyone acting like that to her. It made her feel awkward beyond belief. Her weight shifted from paw to paw as she watched him. She did however smile, she couldn't forget her manors. "Thank you though." She knew she had to acknowledge his kindness and respect. It was however one of the things her parents had taught her to do.

The amber eyes watched as the male tried to purposely melt the snow around his paws and her eyes lit up in an almost amused way. So, it seemed that she wasn't the only wolf in the world who hated the snow like that. It was funny, how they had such a random thing in common. It was as the male spoke his name that her head turned to the side ever so slightly. She had never heard a stutter like that before. It gave him character though, if you'd ask her about it. "Great to meet you." She knew she had already said that, but why not to show respect again? It would make her parents proud. The rounded ears atop her head were perked in attention to Noah. Over all, she felt the most relaxed right now compared to anywhere she had been in Phoenix Valley, it must be the location. Though even though her mind was relaxed from the afternoon here, she was still quite aware of the way she was acting towards him, and the respect she owed him. She sat there content with her amber orbs on him, standing when she felt her body becoming chilled by snow.


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