Nyx de Jinx

The wind howled past Nyx's ears bringing with it the scent of winter. It caressed her fur harshly and dashed away towards the beautiful mountain landscape before her. Leading to what she hoped was the lands of the Anathema pack.

Nyx saw what appeared to be a white figure of a wolf approach her. She took a deep inhale and caught the wolf's distinct scent. She exhaled as the white wolf greeted her. This wolf was next to impossible to see, being that she was as white as the mountains that lay behind her. Looking harder, she could make out the jade eyes of female and instantly lowered her gaze, not wanting to challenge her authority.

Nyx slowly got to her feet and lowered her head ever so slightly and looked at the female wolf's lower chest. The cold air suddenly seemed heated against Nyx's dark fur as she saw her breath escape her maw in light puffs.
"Greetings, I am Nyx de Jinx", she replied steadily. "I have traveled far from Europe. My parent's pack was destroyed, so I came to Souls. " , Nyx shuddered and closed her golden green eyes when she said destroyed. It was all so recent, all too fast, when she lost her parents. Images of blood and war flashed though her mind. Now is the time to be strong, she said to herself as she attempted to shake it off. A tear rolled down her cheek and fell onto her paw as she reopened her eyes.

"I request to join Anathema." Nyx whispered as she meet the wolf's jade eyes for a brief second before averting them to the trees.


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