Character Name: Nyx de Jinx

Character Birthdate (including year): April 18, 2010

Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci

Species: 75% Timber wolf. 13% red wolf. 12% arctic wolf

Gender: Female

A secondary form of contact: pooka8u2 ... my aim sn.

How you found 'Souls: deviantart... looking at wolf pictures ^^

Burning, her whole body felt as if it was set a blaze...She had been running for what seemed liked years. The wind rushed through her hair as she dashed forward, grass beneath her paws. The moonlight showed through the lurking trees as she passed them. A giant mountain then came into view, casting an even greater shadow, so less moonlight was shown.

She stopped abruptly when a distinct smell filled her nose. A pack border. She was finally here. Nyx let a sigh escape her body and started to pant for air. The crisp air was delighting as the moonlight danced on her coat, reflecting the golden and red tones deep in her fur. She knew that she was not to cross it, she wanted to make a good impression on these wolves, whom hopefully she would call pack members. A border was to be respected.

Her senses where heightened as she anxiously waited. Eyes bright in the piercing darkness, she tried to make out any shapes or movements in the dark. So far, nothing. Only the sounds of the forest and the earth accompanied her. Even the animals where out of sight and mind. "Soon enough, someone will come", she said to herself.
Hello there! Welcome to 'Souls Big Grin

She had made sure that Scorpius was safe in bed asleep before leaving to check the borders one last time. Naniko was keeping better track of her son these days; he had recently wandered away from Anathema's caves and had ended up within the boundaries of another pack, Dahlia de Mai, which had caused all sorts of trouble for her. She had tracked his little puppy scent to the place and had crossed its border without thought, intent on retrieving her child.

After a long scolding and a cold walk home, she had felt a bit better. He hadn't gotten hurt from his little excursion, and was now safe within the boundaries of the packlands once more. It was a lesson to the four year old on motherhood; obviously the whelp needed more training and more discipline. She would increase both.

The tall white female looked out over the border area from her spot within the boundary of the trees. A slight movement in the darkness caught her attention and jade eyes followed the other female's form. She hadn't crossed the border and was simply waiting there, just beyond the invisible line. That show of respect impressed the Angela, and she began to make her way down the mountain toward the stranger.

The shifted luperci approached slowly, wary of Nyx. Her white pelt made her blend in with snowy caps of the mountain, and she announced herself as she neared. "Greetings, wolf." Her also voice was gravelly, affected by the cold air that she had been walking through for the last hours or so. "What business do you have at Anathema's borders?"

Nyx de Jinx

The wind howled past Nyx's ears bringing with it the scent of winter. It caressed her fur harshly and dashed away towards the beautiful mountain landscape before her. Leading to what she hoped was the lands of the Anathema pack.

Nyx saw what appeared to be a white figure of a wolf approach her. She took a deep inhale and caught the wolf's distinct scent. She exhaled as the white wolf greeted her. This wolf was next to impossible to see, being that she was as white as the mountains that lay behind her. Looking harder, she could make out the jade eyes of female and instantly lowered her gaze, not wanting to challenge her authority.

Nyx slowly got to her feet and lowered her head ever so slightly and looked at the female wolf's lower chest. The cold air suddenly seemed heated against Nyx's dark fur as she saw her breath escape her maw in light puffs.
"Greetings, I am Nyx de Jinx", she replied steadily. "I have traveled far from Europe. My parent's pack was destroyed, so I came to Souls. " , Nyx shuddered and closed her golden green eyes when she said destroyed. It was all so recent, all too fast, when she lost her parents. Images of blood and war flashed though her mind. Now is the time to be strong, she said to herself as she attempted to shake it off. A tear rolled down her cheek and fell onto her paw as she reopened her eyes.

"I request to join Anathema." Nyx whispered as she meet the wolf's jade eyes for a brief second before averting them to the trees.

Gonna make this quick :] Welcome! We can continue from here or end it any time. You're now free to post.

They were a very new pack and were in need of members, but she wanted to know a few things about this stranger first. Naniko wasn't one who was quick to trust, but they needed members pretty badly. She would ask her a few questions and get her accepted as quickly as she could.

"Naniko D'Angelo, one of the two leaders here." The other wolf's expression of emotion startled the Angela slightly where she stood, and she cleared her throat. There was no need to cry...she wouldn't make the joining process too complicated. "We're looking for members...and you seem to be looking for a home. Why not? We would welcome a new face around here."

The usually gruff female opened her arm toward the territory, motioning for Nyx to follow her inside. "Have you got training in any special area? We want you to stick around for a little while and learn about the different ranks before you choose one, but I'm sure that you'll pick things up fast enough." She said, beginning to walk in the direction of the caves.

Hey! Thanks! I suppose we can end it after this one post... =D I'm so excited

Nyx nodded and smiled at Naniko, she was grateful for her kindness as well as her acceptance. A new start is what she needed, so she could keep her past behind her and start anew. Still so young, knew a pack life would be her best bet. "I do have some training. I can make jewelry and different things, as well as speak to animals. But, I'm still young and I want to learn more." She said as she followed Naniko D'Angelo. She began to wonder about the different ranks and what her place in the pack would be. The mountains and caves beyond looked vast and unknown but soon, she thought, they will be my home.


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