He can fly without wings.

He did feel bad for having to have splashed water all over Range. Gideon wished that there was another way for them to have done it; he had a few bottles of water inside the house but nothing that would have been able to take off the amount of mud that had accumulated in his son's brown pelt. This had been the only way.

The male sometimes wondered if things would be different with electricity, the current that the humans had used in their homes. He had read about such things in books from the city, and often speculated on what life would be like for the luperci if they could harness the same strength.

But he didn't want the luperci to make the same mistakes that the humans had, and kill themselves off. Thoughts flowed through the male's head until his son's chipper voice distracted him, and he looked back down at him. "Nayru's a good hunter, I think. She taught you, then? I'll have to tell her thank you. Polite wolves say their "please" and "thank you's"

Leggies like his? He understood what the tyke was saying after a moment of thought. "With age, son, you'll get legs like mine. Once you're older and your body develops more, you'll be able to shift." This was an important topic to discuss with Range. The pup was looking up at him from the fold of blanket and he reached down to try and rough up the fur on his head a little. "Do you like it when Nayru watches you?"

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