The sea knows my name


Time Goes Faster

An amused look played across her face as she heard him chuckle at her comment about the snow. Well, it was how she felt, she could very well do without snow. She had met a wandering wolf once who had told her of her homeland down south, she described a place that was always warm, though the summers were hard. Tala envied her slightly, to have the ability to have a home to return to and still be free to travel as she did. It must be such a peaceful life. You would have thought that after her lifestyle she would have learned to work with the snow. But no. She still hated the stuff.

Tala listened to him speak and her amber orbs turned to a look of concern as he showed anger towards himself after he spoke. It concerned her, that he hated his tongue so much that it pained him like that. Tala turned her head to face the silver male more and she frowned for a moment before she smiled softly, trying to be reassuring. "You know.... you shouldn't get so frustrated with yourself Noah. I think the stutter gives you so much character. I hardly even met you and I already know that there's so much more to you than just a stutter. Don't beat yourself up over something you can't help, okay? And to tell the truth, I don't mind it at all. I'm sure nobody else does either. It helps define you, but in a good way." The tone on her tongue was genuine, and though her words were much more audible than the males, it did not mean they meant less. "My family brings me here too.... it reminds me of when I was a pup, I grew up not to far from a beach similar to this. It's nice... to just remember sometimes, you know?" It wasn't until then that the smiling fae realized that she was talking quite a bit and her head dropped slightly out of embarrassment. "I'm talking a lot aren't I? I apologize, Noah." She hardly doubted yapping her little head off would make him feel any better.

Seeing gulls dive towards the shallower waters Tala watched with questioning eyes. The dappled female had always loved birds, though she found these particular birds to be closer to rats than birds, she still liked to watch them. It was a dream of hers to be able to communicate with them, to learn their tongue. The knowledge of such things was far beyond her however.

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