The sea knows my name

The actions that the silver male completed kept surprising her. She had spoke in the intention of trying to brighten his spirits, but she had not expected him to nuzzle her shoulder like that. She blinked a few times, that had been the first time somebody had actually touched her in almost a year. The last occurrence was when a member of a hostile pack had bit her. To feel a friendly touch like that.... it surprised the fae greatly. She knew that he was thanking her in his silence, and she just smiled at that. It made the female happy to have at least given him words he probably needed to hear. He was accepted here though, hell, Jeffersen was more mangled in body than he was. She didn't even have a tail. They were all misfits, and between the pack, he fit in whether he realized it or not. Tala watched his actions in mirroring silence. The gesture was very kind of him, and Tala got the vibe of a soul who's appearance didn't do his mind justice. Tala followed the suit of his actions and moved her head over in a dip to nuzzle his scarred shoulder slightly. She wasn't sure if he would get mad at her or not, and truthfully it was out of both her comfort zone and her teachings to do something like that without asking. After she retreated back to her spot on out looking the water she glanced away, almost expecting him to get mad at her.

Though his words to try and encourage her to speak more had her feeling a bit odd, he had asked her too, and she would not be as rude as to deny him of what he asked for. "You don't have to hide your emotions either.... I've seen anger flare from much, much smaller things. I understand your frustration." Well, it was what she thought. She then blinked and glanced at the half sighted wolf once more. "I apologize for speaking my mind so freely. If I've offended you, I'm dearly sorry, and it was not my intention." The dappled fae dipped her head in a brief apology before she stood up and shook both snow and sand from her feet. She felt like such a blabbermouth around him, though she probably wasn't actually talking as much as she felt she was.


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