Dancing through life
It was a much unknown fact that the silver male did not know how to shift from one body shape to the other. For some it just came to them, some had to be taught, Noah was one that needed to be shown how to shape shift, and no one ever was around to show him how to shift from four to two legs. The silver sable male figured that he would never know the joys of walking upon two legs, and it actually frightened him to think about walking on two legs, and not falling flat on your face. The brute gave a dip of his head as she gave him a welcoming wag of her tail, she had always been so kind to him, even with youth at her disadvantage she acted much older and far kinder then the yearlings he was use to dealing with.
Walking in just far enough that it was clear to her that he was there to just talk and hang out with her the male sat down, pulling his tail over his back paws. At the offer of a drink the male thought about it for a second and shook his head no. It was a very kind offer but he would look foolish trying to drink out of a cup like a common dog while she was being ever so classy of a lady and sipping it out of a cup humanoid like. He gave his head a dip holding it down for a second and then pulling it back up smiling at the classy lady.

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