The sea knows my name
WC: 300

It was odd how everyone in the pack had some sort of scars over them; some might not have the psychical some had the emotional scars to carry along with them, he knew Adonia had some but she never willing to talk about it, and the male wasn’t going to push her into talking, he could see that the female at his side had his scars psychically it was clear by her docked tail. The male eyes jolted open when she returned the soft nuzzle to him, he gave his tail a sway as he shifted towards her, he felt close to her. She was offering him a tender touch and warmth in this bitter cold area. It was clear that it was a huge jump out of her comport zone for her to touch him and it was as much for him to touch her. She was ever so kind trying to allow him to be him-self but for her he didn’t want to see him upset at something to some that is so small, so stupid as not being able to talk right. To him it was a lot. He had a hard time hearing, blind in one eye and had a hard time talking, he had to fully trust his scent and feel while trying to hunt, and not that he was a master at that skill either. Noah knew he would probably need to talk to Jefferson about he was able to hunt being lacking an eye also. He lifted his head looking at her, as she kept trying to be ever so polite and lady like, the male shook his head as he wanted her just to relax and have fun, and if need be say everything that she could want to say to him.

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