take a journey

ooc;; <33

This was definately getting easier. There was less of the motion sickness in his belly now he was moving with the horse instead of fighting against her to stay on. It was apparent that the horse beneath him was beginning to show small amounts of agitation at the slow pace with which Liliana had set him to begin with. It would soon be time to get down off the horse. A jolt in his stomach made him smile softly to himself- he'd had problems getting up onto the horse and now the vertigo had settled he was going to have trouble getting down, he just knew it. Cinnamon backed ears perked forward as Liliana agreed with him and his tail brushed the horses rump as he looked at the back of her head.

"I'm glad to hear it!"

He muttered. However, his concentration was pulled towards the pace the horse was moving towards. They had previously been plodding along at Saul's pace, Liliana trying to get him used to the horse and being so high up. He was proud to say that he had managed to stay on. However, Liliana coaxed the horse to move just a little faster, probably the horses normal walking pace. The speed was jolting to the male and his first instinct was to cling. Determination and a sharp inner voice told him to remain calm and relaxed and he was soon used to this new rhythm. The smile returned and the nauseating sense in his stomach went.

They came to a slow stop near where their interesting meeting had first begun. It was then that the vertigo hit once more and he gulped at Liliana offered her hand to him. He managed to disentangle one of his feet from the stirrups but thought he had the other one out when he didnt. Swinging his right le over the horse he was sent crashing to the earth, his let foot still caught in the stirrup. Great. Ironically she asked whether he had any questions and a sheepish grin escaped his lips.

"Could you help me please?"

He asked, green eyes aflame with embarrassment. This surely would be one lesson she never forgot, that was for sure.

word count;; 370


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