Baby, it's like voodoo.

ooc: +5 Hope you don't mind, trying to prolong the thread just a bit, so you and I could get a few extra posts in before it ends abruptly. :3

For some reason, this small project, which turned into a gift for the female, made him somewhat nervous as he presented it. He held it carefully, afraid it would break if he clutched it any tighter in his gray-colored claws. Never had he been nervous or scared when crafting something and displaying it for sale - he didn't really care what others thought. But this was something personal the coywolf took on, and he found himself actually caring what the female's opinion on the gift was.

But he received it, and it was received well. With a smile, and a sudden hug she had given to him, one which nearly knocked him from off his legs and straight down on his bum. Bangle's grin warmed into a gentle, sincere smile, getting over the initial shock of her appreciative gesture. He wrapped his hands around her waist briefly, his claws tingling at the sensation of touching her perfectly-white fur. His eyes closed momentarily, enjoying the sensation, but as soon as it had come, soon he felt nothing but space in between them again. When his eyes re-opened, his orange eyes were sparkling with glee, but nothing compared to what the coywolf saw in Skye's expression.

"It's so beautiful." He heard her exclaim, and found himself muttering. "Yeh you are.." But as soon as he said it, the coywolf coughed a bit and tried to pull it off as having said nothing, hoping Skye hadn't heard any of those words. He felt himself go red, though it would've been hidden in his colorful fur. Bangle kept himself looking at his work of art that she now held in her hands, instead of looking back into her face. "I don' see what ya see in readin', but maybe it'll help." The coywolf was never interested in reading or writing, they were things carved from trees with some writing in them. Though he wasn't sure what the benefits were in the art, Skye seemed to like it all the same.

The male stood up, and brushed himself off. He glanced to the sky, and saw it was about noon-ish then. Taking in a refreshing gulp of air, his chest puffed out as he exhaled. "Th' bone was kinda tricky, I can show ya how it was done." The traveler did love to show his work off, and it was all the better if someone was willing to learn what he taught himself. "First, though, I think a swim'd be good." He always did feel a little messy after crafting, but it would've also cooled his body off, for every inch of him felt as if it was on fire.

Then, to kind of lighten the mood with his humor, Bangle looked to the female and grinned slyly. "'N you 'specially, I can smell ya from here!" Bangle laughed and took a couple steps back towards the water, sure he was going to get a good slap for his comment, or at the very least a verbal lashing.

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