The sea knows my name

Out of Character

<3 WC:300+

In Character

The two stood there watching the waves and the life around them taking place, it was wonderful no matter what happened here and now life would go on about the wonderful song that Mother Earth had taught her children to sing. It was like each animal, each object on this earth knew what part of the song they had to seen it make the song beautiful and to make the harmony flow together. No matter what one could say or even do the song would keep up, it might change some to make up for what became missing but no matter what Mother Earth had trained her children well to roll with the flow to make a sweet symphony.

Watching the gull look back to where the two wolves stood with paws deep in snow and sand while he circled around the air, there was a look of madness in the bird’s eye. The silver brute shrugged his shoulder with a grim look on his face as he pushed back the pain from his bad shoulder. He looked back to Tala and guessing by the look on her face she was rather pleased with spooking the pest of a bird. The male laughed at the whole matter as he swung his head down low with a heavy but happy sigh of contentment. These last few months had been bliss in these lands. Granted Jefferson was less to be desired but Noah wasn’t sure what to think of him, but he surely ran a fine pack.

The male raised his head looking over the dapple babe with a half smile trying to push his worry and sadness away, he didn’t want to show his weakness, he wanted her to be happy and enjoy her-self, and she didn’t need to see him mopping all around because he couldn’t talk right thanks to some power hungry punk. He nudged her softly with his head under her chin trying to cheer her up, ”Wha..woulllwoould would it muhmammamamammake you happy?” He watched her lay down, the male moved the snow away with his paw. The beast wanted to make sure that she had more then enough room to lay down.

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