we walk into the tide

Face tilted to the side as lavender gaze turned slightly distant, in search of a viable answer to offer the youth before him. It was not an area he was well acquainted with, though one he should have been as it would in general make hunting much easier. To be a guardian, a hunter and an alpha was a very heavy burden, and it almost felt like general exhaustion had become a part of him. When had he last felt refreshed and energized in the morning? Some mornings were better than others, but he never seemed to sleep well, even if he had no memory of waking up or succumbing to nightmares.

”There are different kinds of traps,” he stated, the gentle curve on his lips remaining as he thought it over. Haku Soul had used old fashioned metal traps with dangerous jaws that could bite half way through a canine’s leg. What an agonizing way to die. ”Metal turned into jaws that snap together if someone steps into the middle of it.” But there were other, more humane methods to go by, he knew. ”I don’t know too much about it myself, to be honest, but there are many different traps one can make. From wood and ropes, where the prey is merely caught, and other methods still; like a hole in the ground decorated with sharp spears to penetrate the falling victim.”

The last kind of trap was one he had read about in some book he could not recall the title of. There were so many possibilities. ”I’ve been wondering if I should attempt to set a trap some day. Perhaps you’d like to join me?”

Table by James<3

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